DRC-RWANDA: When Paul Kagame boasts of supporting the M23 (video)

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On the sidelines of the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, Rwandan President Paul Kagame spoke to the press, particularly on security issues in the sub-region.

According to a report from TV5MONDE, consulted by the editorial staff of Brothermyephre.com, the Rwandan Head of State was proud to support the M23 terrorists in the East of the DRC.

“Why are we accused as Rwanda of supporting the M23? In fact, those who accuse us, I should accuse them of not supporting the M23 because it’s as if they agree with the injustice that is being done to this community.” did he declare.

Video: Paul Kagame on his support for the M23

Crédit vidéo : TV5MONDE

By these words, the current strongman of Kigali insinuates that he should be applauded for having supported a rebellion which strives to put thousands of families in mourning in the east of the DRC.

In this case, from November 29 to December 1, 2022 in the village of Kishishe, in North Kivu, in the territory of Rutshuru, several people died after a massacre orchestrated by the M23

It is also worth remembering that MONUSCO and the FARDC have noted several tragedies similar to that of Kishishe with the well-identified perpetrator, the M23, which the President of Rwanda supports without remorse; a still astonishing attitude from the leader of a country which is celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of a genocide suffered by its people.

No pity, no compassion, nothing but the race for the spoils of war?

So many questions!

Ephrem Minga

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