AFC-PPRD: Joseph Kabila’s spokeswoman Barbara Nzimbi responds to Augustin Kabuya (video)

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While the secretary of the presidential party (UDPS), Augustin Kabuya, accuses honorary president Joseph Kabila of having fled outside the country, while he is the instigator of the rebellion led by the former president of the CENI, Corneille Nangaa, in the east of the country, President Kabila’s communication unit has just reacted in a press release, a copy of which has reached our editorial office.

The irresponsible remarks of Mr. Kabuya of the UDPS border on madness. Can the only head of state in the history of the DRC to organize democratic elections and then a peaceful changeover, whose first beneficiary was this same party, run away from, or better still abandon, what he has devoted his whole life to? Or even be at the root of any destabilization of this very nation? It’s incoherent to think along these lines “, declared Barbara Nzimbi, Joseph Kabila’s communications officer.

Video : Barbara Nzimbi confronts Israël Mutombo

Video credit: BOSOLO TV

She added: “Having left the country in good and due form, President Joseph Kabila is not accountable to the UDPS and is pursuing and respecting his agenda, in particular his academic responsibilities. He will return to his country freely when he wishes, without any restrictions. To the dreamers, keep on dreaming.”

For Barbara Nzimbi, when Joseph Kabila left power, he bequeathed an entire country to the UDPS.

Fortunately, the Congolese people have understood the UDPS modus operandi: “Complain and falsely accuse others”, forgetting that to lead is also to assume responsibility. This umpteenth distraction can only come from this party seeking to divert the attention of the Congolese people from its inability to manage the country. Joseph Kabila bequeathed an entire country to the UDPS, which this same party has continued to destroy, year after year since 2019“, she insisted.

In recent weeks, several former militants of Joseph Kabila’s beloved PPRD political party have announced that they are joining the Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC), a politico-military movement initiated by Corneille Nangaa, honorary chairman of the CENI.


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