Tshisekedi’s travel affair in Kigali: What the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hadja Labib, says (video)

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On the sidelines of her stay in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Hadja Labib, the Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs, answered questions from some journalists in Kinshasa. The false information broadcast last Sunday by the Belgian media RTBF on an alleged stay of President Félix Tshisekedi in Kigali (Rwanda) was also mentioned.

Former journalist, Minister Hadja Labib declared that this is not fake news broadcast voluntarily by RTBF but rather an error by the journalist of this Belgian public media.

I think it’s just a mistake. I believe that the line is narrow between fakenews and error but I believe that we must still make the difference. There is the speed with which journalists must work today, it is more and more pressing, given social networks. This was the case of the journalist who was already going to do a live broadcast where he thought he heard that the President of Congo was there. It is undoubtedly the president of Congo-Brazzaville and not the president of the DRC” she declared.

Et de poursuivre : 

I was a live witness, because he interviewed me immediately afterwards. While interviewing me, he asked me his question, saying that President Tshisekedi was present. I stopped as a former colleague with all the brotherhood I could muster, I told him that there was a serious error and that he had to correct it and he corrected it. So it’s really an error and we are not immune to errors. We must distinguish between the desire to cause harm and a simple error which is rectified very quickly, in fact. This error within 2 hours, it was rectified, so we must not mix everything»

Credit: third-party rights images

Let us recall that last Sunday April 7, RTBF confirmed that President Félix Tshisekedi was staying in Kigali, capital of Rwanda, to attend the commemorative ceremony of the thirtieth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide. A few hours later, she retracted her comments, apologizing to her viewers.

This incident coincided with a trip abroad by the Congolese Head of State, to a destination kept hidden by his communications services.


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