Suminwa Government: Professor Noël Tshiani proposes a team of 22 ministers and 10 vice-ministers

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Referring to President Félix Tshisekedi’s inauguration speech last January, in which he promised not to repeat the mistakes of the past, Professor Noël Tshiani has just published a proposal on the size of the government that Mrs. Judith Suminwa Tuluka will lead. , the new prime minister.

“  Drawing lessons from the past, I propose a government structure reduced to  22 ministers, including the prime minister. Some of these ministers would be supported by vice ministers who would work with the general secretaries and advisors to give technical and logistical support to the titular ministers” he wrote on X (formerly Twitter ).

 According to Doctor Noël Tshiani, the composition of the Suminwa government should be as follows: 

1. Prime Minister; 

2. Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the Interior and decentralization:

3. Deputy Prime Minister in charge of National Defense and Veterans;

4. Deputy Prime Minister in charge of the Economy and Finance (including Budget, Plan and Portfolio):

5. Deputy Prime Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Regional Integration;

6. Minister of the Civil Service and the Refoundation of the State;

7. Minister of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Tourism;

8. Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals and Human Rights;

9. Minister of Infrastructure and Public Works;

10. Minister of Rural Development, Agriculture and Food Sovereignty (including Fisheries and Livestock);

11. Minister of Health Public and health;

12. Minister of Transport;

13. Minister of Industry, the Private Sector and Foreign Trade;

14. Minister of Labor and Social Welfare;

15. Minister of Social Affairs and Solidarity (including People Living with Disabilities);

16. Minister of ESU, Scientific Research and Professional Training;

17. Minister of National Education, Youth and Introduction to New Citizenship;

18. Minister of Mines;

19. Minister of Energy and Hydrocarbons;

20. Minister of PTNTIC and Digital;

21. Minister of Territorial Planning, Land Affairs and Housing;

22. Minister of Culture, Sports, Leisure and Media:

These ministers may be assisted by the following vice ministers:

Interior and Decentralization:

Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Regional Integration:

Plan and Budget:

Finances and Portfolio:

National economy:

National Defense and Veterans Affairs:

Energy and Hydrocarbons:

National Education and Youth:

ESU and Scientific Research:

Professional Training:

According to this international economist, such a reduced government would send a strong signal  that things have changed and that efficiency is now the desired objective.

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