RDC : L’ONG TradeMark Africa, spécialisée dans l’aide au commerce recrute deux managers à l’Est
L’ONG TradeMark Africa (TMA) recrute un Programme manager, Trade Facilitation et un Programme manager Standards and SPs Measures devant travailler à l’Est de la RDC. Les candidatures pour ce poste seront reçues jusqu’au plus tard le 07 Juillet 2023.
Ci-dessous, tous les détails (en anglais) sur cette offre de TradeMark Africa.

Application details
The detailed job profiles for these posts can be accessed on our website www.trademarkafrica.com
These positions are available on contract to 30 June 2025 with the possibility of renewal. Please apply online through https://www.trademarkafrica.com/work-with-us/ by Friday, 7 July 2023. Attach your detailed CV and a cover letter as one document including details of your qualifications, experience, and present position. Your application should also include a working e-mail address, daytime telephone contacts, and names and contact details of three referees. Interviews will be conducted in August 2023.
Please note that we will only consider applications received on-line through the link provided above. Applications received after the deadline will not be accepted. We reserve the right to accept or reject any application. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
TMA is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to open and transparent recruitment processes. Qualified women and persons living with disabilities are particularly encouraged to apply.

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